Tropopoiitiko Fek">TEXAN SA


- In the US, Intensive Care nursing-beds constitutes 20% -30% of hospital beds. In Europe, respectively are 15% -20%.

- In 1970 in Greece there were practically no intensive care beds in general hospitals.  Today, the number of intensive care beds multiplied, but the average does not exceed more than 2% of conventional beds. More than 30.000 are injured in 20.000 car accidents that occur each year in our country and who have high care need to be saved.

- The equipment for and Intensive Care bed costs much, € 50.000-€ 150.000. The operating costs of Intensive Care Units is also high, 30% -40% of the budget of a hospital. The prize of saving lives is immeasurable!

- Over 500,000 Europeans die each year from smoking. 'One in every two children who start smoking before 18 will die from diseases due to tobacco. Obstructive pulmonary disease tends to be the third leading cause of death in the world.

- Approximately 1,000,000 Greeks suffer from asthma. The implications are huge, not only in the quality of life of patients, but for the society as a whole as well.