Tropopoiitiko Fek">TEXAN SA

The ICU as Centers of Excellence

The rescue work of life in Intensive Care Units is extremely difficult. Doctors, balancing the boundary between life and death, should intervene with speed, determination and knowledge in a magnificent complexity and precision fan system, the human body. Having the support of a high-tech technology, maintain or replace the vital organ function. The ICUs, have no choice but to be Centers of Excellence.

Within the ICU no time ignorance, negligence, inadequate staffing, incomplete equipment and non overwhelming dedication to the philosophy of intensification. Otherwise, it is just as if not there, but an additional and costly disaster, wasting precious resources, without result.

The pursuit of Perfect, as the only possible Intensive Care Units' operation mode, shaping attitudes valuable for the classification of our country where it always belonged. A part of the excellence.

The conquest of Excellence wants effort, sacrifice and commitment of all of us.

The long history of generosity of the bellwethers of our Nation, has taught us that people should stand next to our country on National issues.


«ICU doctors, must know a lot about everything.

Doctors of other specialties must know a lot about a few»

K. Gardikas